Rising Shields of Law EnforcementList of all winners since 2012Click Here for a nomination formDo you work with a talented professional under the age of 45 in the law enforcement field who you consider to be a leader? If so, he or she may be among those selected as ILACP Rising Shields of Law Enforcementsm honorees. Just as up-and-comers in the business world are often profiled by the media, ILACP is looking for rising professionals under the age of 45 within the state of Illinois who have strong personal beliefs about the value of law enforcement. Eligible nominees must be under the rank of Deputy Chief or Lieutenant, and may include sworn officers, attorneys, researchers, public safety experts, security personnel and others in the law enforcement field. A judging panel will select up to eight of these exceptional leaders for top honors in the eight nominating categories. Chiefs and other law enforcement executives may nominate those they believe deserve this special recognition. Our goals are to encourage rising leaders to continue to grow in the profession, and through them better understand, anticipate and meet the needs of law enforcement's next generation. Through promotion of the award program and publicity for the honorees, we will also help our communities better understand the significant role that all members of the law enforcement field play in not only responding to their needs, but in prevention that keeps them safe. In addition to recognition for one of your colleagues, the award will generate positive publicity for your organization, and align your staff with some of the most progressive law enforcement individuals in the state. Thank you for helping us to identify the Rising Shields of Law Enforcement in Illinois. The best nominations happen when you work with your candidate to complete this form. Nominations accompanied by a photo and résumé are encouraged. Nominators must be members of the ILACP. All applications must be signed off by the Chief/Commander and/or head of the agency.