Illinois Chiefs Ten Shared Principles
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Historic Partnership Since 2015: Ten Shared Principles

The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP) and the NAACP Illinois State Conference collaborated to build trust with historic Ten Shared Principles document.

Video for training and roll call: In seven minutes, learn all about the Ten Shared Principles and their impact 


Action Items

Adopt the Ten Shared Principles (It takes two minutes)

List of agencies, organizations, communities, and individuals that have adopted these Principles


November 16, 2020
Swansea village and police department ceremony of adoption 

November 12, 2020
ILCMA Board endorses Ten Shared Principles

October 1, 2020
Park Ridge PD produces creative video to promote Principles

September 3, 2020
AT&T Illinois becomes first corporation to adopt Ten Shared Principles

June 16, 2020
Illinois Municipal League affirms support for these Ten Shared Principles

May 1, 2020
President James Black sees advancing Ten Shared Principles as a priority in next two years

June 27, 2019
World Cafe Summit: A gathering of more than 150 people from all parts of Illinois to build trust and collaborate on how to implement the Ten Shared Principles.


March 1, 2019 
For the first time, a group of college students discusses the Shared Principles, with the Illinois Chiefs meeting at the University of Illinois Springfield and getting feedback on the principles. 


Since March 22, 2018
Local police agencies around the state adopt the Ten Shared Principles as their own. Many did so at a local ceremony. Here is a list of agencies adopting the principles.

March 22, 2018
Leaders from both organizations gather in the Old State Capitol, Springfield - where Lincoln gave his "House divided" speech in 1858 - to sign their Affirmation of Shared Principles after three years of conversations and dialogue.

This event received extensive statewide and national coverage. Here are fifteen news stories.


Teresa Haley, NAACP Illinois State Conference and then ILACP President James Kruger, Jr. at the Old State Capitol in Springfield Illinois on March 22, 2018.

February 2018

The ILACP's Command magazine covered the rich history of nearly three years of collaboration with an article,