Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police PIO Section

PIO Connections Section

The purpose of the PIO Section is to provide the law enforcement profession and, more specifically, the professionals in this section with information, training, and a forum for discussion of Public Information Officer topicsThe Section shall actively promote through education and training an increased understanding of external communications in the law enforcement community. The training and education shall be for the members of the section and for all members of the association whenever possible and helpful. The Section shall assist ILACP and its membership in coordinating efforts to implement mutual objectives of helping those who interact with the media to cultivate networks, to develop consistent messaging across the state, to have support during critical incidents or high-profile events, and to receive additional training opportunities.

PIO Section Application Form 


Section Executive Committee

Chair: Deputy Chief Chris Covelli, Lake County Sheriff's Office

Co-Chair: ILACP Deputy Director AJ Bailey

Vice Chair: Michelle Marcomb, Rockford Police Department



  • Individuals must meet the qualifications of the Section in order to join.
  • Membership in the ILACP PIO Section shall be open to any person actively employed by a government agency or a public safety or emergency services organization, whose primary responsibilities include managing and disseminating public information (a "Public Information Officer" or "PIO"), or other persons as determined by majority vote of the Section Executive Committee.
  • The ILACP may also accept applications for membership in the ILACP by Public Information Officers who serve in a voluntary capacity. The applications of such applicants shall be accompanied by a letter from such PIO's organization, confirming such person's service as a voluntary PIO. 
  • Members who are no longer actively employed or voluntarily serving in a public information capacity due to retirement or promotion, may petition the ILACP PIO Section Executive Committee to renew their membership in the ILACP PIO Section. Such petition shall be made in writing and addressed to the ILACP, and referred to and considered by the Section Executive Committee. All petitions must be approved by majority vote of the committee in order for a membership to be retained. Members who are no longer actively employed or voluntarily serving in a public information capacity any reason other than retirement or promotion may not renew their membership in the ILACP.
  • Interested persons will apply to be a member of the Section by completing the appropriate form and submitting it to the ILACP Deputy Director and Chair of the Section.
  • Prospective members will need to include a letter on official letterhead from their department head or chief explaining their position within the organization and how long they’ve been there.



  • No fee will be charged to members during the section's first year of operation (2023).
  • The exact fee for the following year is pending approval by the ILACP Board of Officers at the Executive Board meeting in August.


  • Section will meet in person at least one time annually.
  • Electronic meetings may be called at the discretion of the chair.
  • The Section Executive Committee will plan at least one training opportunity per year.

Section Governance

  • At least three members of the section will serve on the Section Executive Committee, who will be appointed by the ILACP President.
  • There will be a chair, a co-chair, a vice chair, and other roles that may be necessary. 
  • Section Executive Committee members will determine the criteria for eligibility to be a member of the Section, with the approval of the Board of Officers. This committee will also review applications for section membership and determine who meets the qualifications.
  • Any vacancy that occurs during the term of an officer shall be fulfilled by appointment by the ILACP president.